Kent Grand Organ Stoplist

Hutchings, Plaisted, & Co. Op. 78, 1878
       GREAT                  SWELL                   PEDAL
    16' Bourdon            16' Bourdon Bass         16' Open Diapason (W)
    8'  Open Diapason      16' Bourdon Treble       16' Bourdon
    8'  Melodia             8' Open Diapason
    8'  Gamba               8' Stopped Diapason
    8'  Dulciana            8' Salicional
    4'  Octave              4' Harmonic Flute (W)
    4'  Flute d'Amour (WM)  4' Violina
2 2/3'  Twelfth             2' Flautino
    2'  Fifteenth       2 2/3' Cornet IIIrks.
    2'  Mixture IIIrks.     8' Oboe
    8'  Trumpet                Tremolo

Manual compass: 61 notes
Pedal compass: 27 notes

Pitch: "Old Boston Pitch" as marked on one of the Pedal Bourdon pipes.  Estimated 
to be approx. A=449Hz  Temperament: Unknown, but most likely well tempered

Wind via large double rise bellows beneath the organ, initially hand pumped but 
believed to have been converted to a water motor many years later according to 
oral church history.

While none of the existing key action or console remained after the electrification 
and enlargement by W.W. Laws, it can be presumed the organ had usual unison couplers 
and likely a few composition pedals as was the custom of the day and the tradition 
of Hutchings at that time.  

The diatonic facade contained the first 18 notes of the Gt. 8' Open Diapason and 
the first 8 notes of the Gt. 16' Bourdon.  The C and C# pipes of the Bourdon were 
made with an extended side so as to serve to support some of the racking of the 
facade.  The two larger scale wood pipes of the facade are dummies as is the entire 
upper section false length zinc tubes, intended to increase the vertical height.   
The central section of the facade alternated between speaking and several non-
speaking pipes.  The pipes of the facade were winded and planted on their own 
pneumatic facade chest operated via lead tube transmission from the slider chest.

Most of the metal interior pipe work is of high lead content including resonators 
of the reeds.

The Gt. 4' Flute d'Amour is of wood, no bored stoppers, and goes to open metal at C25.  
The Mixture is 2' based with two breaks at 24 and 50.

The 16' Bourdon of the Swell was divided with the bass of 1-12, and treble 13-61, the 
first six pipes mitered and of a slightly smaller scale than the Great.  The 8' Stopped 
Diapason goes to open metal from 49-61.  Both the 8' Open Diapason and 8' Salicional of 
the Swell had stopped pipes. 1-10 of the Diapason of stopped wooden pipes, and 1-7 of 
the Salicional in capped metal pipes.  The 4' Harmonic flute is also wooden and went to 
harmonic pipes at C25.  The Cornet (12-15-17) of narrow string like scale and gentle 
voicing had at least one break at C#26.

Both Pedal stops are of wood.  The wooden Open Diapason was quite substantial in scale 
but with a lower cutup giving a decisive but not oppressive sound.  The Pedal Bourdon is 
also generously scaled and voiced as the lighter voice for the division.

While the organ was added to and modernized with EP pulldowns and stop action around 1924, 
with the exception of reeds being relocated to unit or ventil EP chests and other stops 
put in their place on the original slider chests, the Hutchings/Plaisted work remained 
essentially untouched.